
WoodlandsMommy.com – Infant Lesson Plan

Shopping List: synthetic feathers
Book to add to your child's library: I Can Blink Like an Owl by Frank Asch (comes with a Mylar mirror so baby
can see his face and yours while you act out the animal faces)

Music, Movement, and

Baby Games and


Relationship Building

The Owl in the Tree
I saw an owl.
He sat in a tree.
He opened one eye.
He winked at me.

Brown Owl
Brown Owl, Brown Owl,
Hoo Hoo Hoo
Brown Owl, Brown Owl,
Hoo Hoo Hoo
We see you sitting in a tree
Then you go HOO HOO at me!
Brown Owl, Brown Owl,
Hoo Hoo Hoo

Owl in the Tree
Owl in the tree says,
"Who, who, who."
Owl in the tree says,
"Who, who, who."
Owl in the tree says,
"Who, who, who.
Who, who, are you?"

Owl Feathers
Drop feathers through the air
near baby. Allow them to fall
on you and baby. Stroke
baby's cheeks and hands
with the feathers, while
repeating the word "soft."
Direct older infants in
touching feathers first with
fingers and then with hands.

Hickory Dickory Dock
Hickory Dickory Dock,
the mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down,
Hickory Dickory Dock.

Lift hands up over head for
"ran up the clock", hands
down low for "ran down".
Help your infant clap for the
clock strike. For babies on
their backs: run fingers up
and down their tummy.
Lightly clap hands for "struck

Sensory Bottles
Use an empty 12 oz plastic
bottle, such as a Coke,
Gatorade, or water bottle. Clean
it out and remove the labels.  Fill
with 1/4 cup corn syrup,  pieces
of feathers, and a little water.

For a second bottle, fill with
glitter or large star confetti, like
the stars at night when owls
come out.

Bird Watching
Take your infant on a walk in the
park or at the museum and look
at the animals and birds.

Whoo Whoo
“Whoo-whoo" said the owl,
sitting in the tree.
" During the day
I am quiet as can be.”
(Shushing motion with
fingers to lips, close eyes)

“Whoo whoo-whoo"
said the owl,
"I’m awake at night.
I hunt, I eat and then sleep
when it’s light”
(Open eyes BIG, and
stretch) Babies will love the
exaggerated motions with
your face.

Owl Sounds
Face your infant and make
the "whoowhoo" sound. If
your infant is old enough,
he will attempt to mimic