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Rhyme Time for babies and toddlers
Tuesday, February 07, 2023, 10:15am

Rhyme Time for babies and toddlers ages 6-24 months. Meets FIRST and THIRD TUESDAYS each month 10:15am. Included with admission!

Babies, toddlers and their parents or caregivers are invited to our interactive Rhyme Time dedicated just for little ones.  
Meeting in our enclosed toddler area, so children can feel free to move around and explore, we will be singing songs and discovering hand rhymes.   Built in socialization time for moms and babies to get to know one another presents a great opportunity to meet other moms and babies in our community.


Included in the price of admission, which is $8 for adults and children 1 year and older. bit.ly/TWCMtickets  #BookReading #StoryTime #ChildrensBook #Educate #Empower #Excite

Location  The Woodlands Children’s Museum
Contact  Courtney Coats-Topini